Saturday, January 28, 2006


Quiet, the feeble in the presence of the mighty...

Reaching out...

I keep staring at it but i fail to describe my nostalgia to nature, to the mountains, to the snow...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A few minutes, worth the day..

21.55: He steps out of the lift, heads to his flat thinking: "gonna be cold as usual.. but no, not anymore.. now she is here and I won't be alone…"

21.56: He approaches the door, inserts the key and pauses for a few seconds.. he bethinks, he feels.. In no time, he will have stepped inside and her perfume will welcome him home, embracing him like a lover awaiting his return. He steps inside, takes a deep breath, smelling her aroma till his lungs are drenched.. without the mere disappointment, he slowly closes the door and heads for the kitchen, not even glancing at the living room where she’d be, as if to increase the thrill…

21.57: He laid his lunch bag on the counter top and looked through his kitchen window where he can spot the traffic; his daily share of agony. Like a reader who skips the pages of a book, eager to reach the end of a story, he moves with an increasing pace towards the living room.. there by the TV where she always waits, staring at him as he approaches, aware of his delight to meet her after a hectic day at work, sharing his happiness.. in her own quiet way...

21.58: He is finally there, standing in her presence.. admiring the art of The Lord in his creation.. he gently caresses her... With his eyes closed, he smells her intimately, this time again a lungful of air...

21.59: He goes back to the kitchen, fills a glass of water and brings it to her.. quenching her thirst, he pours it tenderly into the vase.. so delighted that his bouquet of Lilies is there, adding an accompanying soul to his lonely existence..

These flowers remind him of a lovely beautiful girl fond of Lilies. So far, he can only reach her in his dreams.. and only there could he meet her recently.

The day he'll draw her, he’ll have to omit the face for her beauty is beyond his skills.. I will call her then.. the girl without a face.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

for a little laugh...

I was checking a blog whose author likes monkeys... it reminded me of a little story.

When i was back in Lebanon, i knew a person, nearly in his late 40s... He is a trouble maker [age couldn't add to his maturity]. He proudly narrated the following incidence:
Once reprimanded by his school director, he got really irritated. He brought a small monkey, put a gun in his hand and locked him in the director's office... along with the director himself. Outside by the window he stood with all his comrades, enjoying the scene; the monkey playing with the gun and the director... well, you can imagine!!!

He eventually got fired, so what, he was already used to it...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Lebanon, soon we will be back...

Lebanese are known for their ability to overcome...
some losses leave scars that heal, yet remain painful...
with every blow we rise again...
the light of the word reaches the prepared minds...

Soon the sun will rise on us again, one nation liberated from the inside out, with all its youth back home.